The Bible class is for young people in secondary 1-6 and meets every Sunday during term time at 10.30am.
Bible Class is for young people in P7-S6
The Bible Class meets in the church and takes part in the first part of the morning service, before moving to the halls for their age group's activities.
Contact Janice Maclean at 07711 361936 for more information.
The Bible Class on Facebook |
General Information
The Bible Class meets in the Church on Sunday at 10.30am. We have an even spread of ages from 11 - 18. We all tend to sit together at the front left hand side of the church. On occasion we will take an active part in the service and have done plays and actively promoted products being sold at the Traidcraft stall. This is always fun and lets the rest of the congregation know what we get up to.
After the youth address we adjourn to the Jubilee hall. Every week is different, sometimes we have quizzes, and sometimes we watch videos and play games. The best thing about Bible Cass is getting to understand how the Bible is as relevant in our lives today as it has always been. Christian values never go out of date and learning how to live by them in today’s society is an exciting journey. The Bible comes alive when you look deeper into it and understand how the people felt and acted as they did.
Young people are always asking questions and rightly so. Come and join us you never know the Bible just might have the answers you're looking for.