
Sunday Club

The Sunday Club is for children of primary school age and meets most Sundays during term time...

It meets in the church and takes part in the first part of the morning service, before dispersing to different parts of the halls for their age group's activities.

Convener:        Janice Maclean

Departmental Leaders

Junior Sunday Club (3-6 yrs)
Sheila Robertson  0141 942 4503

Senior Sunday Club (P2-P7)
Gabrielle Buchanan   0141 956 1043



Sunday Club is back to meeting, in person, at St Paul's




Children gather at the front of the church for morning worship at 10:30am and will leave after the children's address to the various halls for Sunday Club.



If you are interested in joining us, please email

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and I'll add you to our mailing list 

or meet us at Church in the Large Hall before the service